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CBSE Affiliated (Affiliation Number: 1130 534) | NABET Accredited (Accreditation Number: WS 2428 071) |QS I-GAUGE Diamond Rated
A journey towards excellence.

Acts of Giving

S.No. Date of Donation Student Name Class and Section Parents' Name Donated Item Reason for Donation Evidences (One Photograph per Donation)
1. 4/29/2024 Anvay Mohitkar II F Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

2. 6/7/2024 Radha VI B Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

3. 4/1/2024 Jayesh Kamble VII C Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

4. 4/1/2023 Jayesh Kamble VI C Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

5. Abhijit Vaidya Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

6. 6/6/2024 Ms. Vandana Sangle Section Coordinator( Middle) 2 Avocado plants Birthday of the teacher

Acts of Giving

7. 7/3/2024 Aarav Umesh Sathe V A (Middle) Umesh Sathe Sapling Birthday of the child
8. 4/19/2024 Lisa Patil IV-D (Preparatory) Panchatantra Birthday of the Child
9. 4/23/2024 Madhav Choudhari V-B ( Middle) 1.Little Tom Thumb 2.Sleeping Beauty 3. The Dishonest Doctor 4. Cheety Tells the Truth 5. The Monkeys and The Moon 6. The Bramhmin & his Goat 7. The Mice That Ate the Iron 8. The Proud Donkey 9. Unity is Strength 10.0The Lion Makers 11.0Moral Story Book 12.Salwalyanche Gaw. Birthday of the Child

Acts of Giving

10. 4/24/2024 Arnav Torane VII-G (Secondary) Birbal , The wise 1,2,3 &4
11. 4/24/2024 Krishnang Kothari VIII-A (Secondary) 1.Goosebump 2.An Autobiogrphy 3. Children of the lamp 4. Animal Stories 5. The Guardian 6. Inkheart 7. Wings
12. 4/29/2024 Anita Nikam Teacher (Pri-Primary) Anita Nikam 1. The Room of Many Colours.2. Famous Aesop Fables
13. 4/29/2024 Darshana Kamat Secondary Section ( Co-Ordinator) 1. jane Eyre 2. Man Pakharu 3. Kosbadchya Tekadiwarun ( 1 Eng + 2 Marathi)
14. 6/6/2024 Shubhangi Kulkarni Vice-Principal 1,2 Enrich Your English Vocabulary Level-1 Level-2 3.English Grammar Made Easy Level-1 4.A Grammar Workbook -Level-1 ,5. English Grammar Made Easy Level-2. 6. A Grammar Worksheet Booklet -Level-2 7. Advance English -Level-3
15. 6/8/2024 Rohit Sarkar Media 1.The Immortals of Meluha 2. The Decret of the Nagas 3. Dharmayoddha Kalki 4.Satyayoddha Kalki 5. Mahayoddha Kalki Donated

Acts of Giving

16. 6/10/2024 Sanskruti Chandane VII-B (Secondary) Balkumaransathi Gad-kille
17. 6/27/2024 Rushika Rajesh Mahajan V A (Middle) Rajesh Mahajan 23 story books

Acts of Giving

18. 6/27/2024 Bindu Saini Ma'am Principal 1. From me to you
19. 02/07/24 Priyansh Govardhan Sr-KG Earth (Pri-Primary) 1. The World's Last Wildness 2. Lions; and Rubber Plnat Birthday of the child
20. 7/3/2024 Ananya Itkarkar V F (Middle) Basil (Tulsi) Plant Environment Day Orientation (Studnets were asked to bring plant hence parents have sent).

Acts of Giving

21. 7/8/2024 Riddhi Kelkar III-G 1.Hansel and Gretel Birthday of the Child

Acts of Giving

22. 7/15/2024 Trishika Patil Jr.KG Everest Aayushayche Dhade Girawtana Birthday of the Child

Acts of Giving

23. 8/6/2024 Shaurya Bhosale II-E Indian Scientists-: Srinivasa Ramanujan 2. Vikram Sarabhai Birthday of the Child
24. 8/6/2024 Niranjan Anuse IX-D 13 books Set of BPI World+5 Competitive exam books 1.Human Body 2.Wonders of the World 3. Communication 4. Transportation 5. Animals 6. Invention & Discoveries 7. Science 8. Universe 9. Science Experiments 1 10.Science Experiments-2 11.Wonderland of Numbers 12. Plants 13.Earth + 5 Competitive Exam Book. Birthday of the child
25. 8/20/2024 Aahana Naik VI-E 1. I winder why mountains have snow on top . Birthday of the child
26. 20 Shravani S Bobade 5 C Sudharshan Bobade Shewanti Plant Birthday of the child
27. 8/20/2024 Advik Hawale V-G Savita Hawale Where all they have gone Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

28. 8/20/2024 Advik Hawale V-G Savita Hawale Best of Great Classics Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

29. 8/26/2024 Ishaan .V. Bachkars V-A 1.Coming Back 2. Jungle Book Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

30. 8/26/2024 Rakhi Paknikar Teacher (Pri-Primary) 1.Dhadpadnara Shyam 2. Bhartiy Stri Jivan 3. Mazi Janmthep 4. Ya Sukhano ya. + 1 Marketing Management Book Donated

Acts of Giving

31. 9/2/2024 Parineeti Bansode Jr. KG Everest 40 Small Story book (This Books Handovered to Pakhnikar Ma'am for class Reading) Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

32. 9/6/2024 Saavi Kashid Sr. KG. Sun 1. 125 Akbar Birbal Stories 2. 125 Stories of Tenali Raman Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

33. 9/10/2024 Vaiga Nair Jr. KG Dolphin 26 Small Story books Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

34. 9/11/2024 Richa Sajane Jr. KG Everest 1.Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life,2. Rich Dad Poor Dad: with updates for updates for today's world. Birthday on Child

Acts of Giving

35. 9/12/2024 Aarohi Vaje Sr. KG. Sun 1.Treasury of Akbar-Birbal Stories 2. Treasury of Animal Tales 3. Treasury of Moral Stories 4. Treasury of Tenali Raman Stories Birthday on Child

Acts of Giving

36. 9/20/2024 Vedant Ghavte VII-G 25 1. Six Enemies Conquered Birthday on Child

Acts of Giving

37. 9/20/2024 Punit Pawar II-C 1. Build Your Own Adventure Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

38. 9/24/2024 Aayush Kadu Sr. KG Water Best of Akbar Birbal Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

39. 9/25/2024 Sayali Deshmukh Middle Section Teacher 1.Angnipankh (Marathi) 2.Satyache prayog wa Aatmakatha 3. mazi sanghrsh yatra. 4. Andhavishwas Niwaran ek Koshih 5. Shivaji kon hota.6.Jivanache Shilpkar 7.Bhartiy Savindhan Antarang 8. Dosti Grah Taryanshi 9. Gairsamjachya Pradeshat 10. Narendra ---- Vivikanand.11. Motivating Thought of Vivekanand 12. Wonder of Science Birthday on Child

Acts of Giving

40. 9/27/2024 Veera Kadam Jr.KG Everest Swami Vivekanand yanche Charitra Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

41. 9/28/2024 Ishanvi Patil & Paridhi Ambatkar VIII-D 1.Moral Stories For Kids 6 2. Moral Stories for kids 7 Donated

Acts of Giving

42. 30/09/2024 Adhiraj Bhodave Jr.KG Sunflower 1.Having Fun With Phonics 0,1,3 2. Key Words Fairy Tales-Thubelina And Sleeping Beauty 3. My First Flowers Insects , Plant and Tree4. Pocket book -Good Manners and Birds Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

43. 10/3/2024 Aarav Kolhe Jr.KG Everest Rakhi Paknikar How To Stop Worrying and Start living Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

44. 10/7/2024 Ira Shejole Jr. KG Everest Rakhi Paknikar 1.Karamati Billi 2. The Steadfast Tin Soldier Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

45. 9/10/2024 Ojas Wani Jr.KG Sunflower Archana Bandgar Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

46. 9/29/2024 Adhiraj Bhodave Jr.KG Sunflower Archana Bandgar Books :- 1.Key Words- Fairy Tales- Thumbelina 2. Key Words- Fairy Tales- Sleeping Beauty 3. My First Flowers, Insects, Plants & Trees 4. Good Manners (Pockets Book) 5. Birds (Pockets Book) Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

47. 9/19/2024 Vedika G Darshale Jr.KG Dolphin Chetana Mail Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

48. 10/8/2024 Anvi V Tandale Jr.KG Dolphin Chetana Mail Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

49. 09/10/24 Sharvee Dhane Jr KG Butterfly Abhaya Ravishankar Books- Moral stories for kids Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

50. 17/10/24 Ira R Gavande Jr.KG Dolphin Chetana Mail Book- Moral stories Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

51. 1/10/24 Shivansh Jadhav 1 E Sunil Jadhav sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

52. 11/10/2024 Ridaan Deshmukh 1 E Shalaka Dekhmukh sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

53. 16/10/2024 Ajay Gutte 1 E Kalavati Gutte sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

54. 25/10/2024 Advika Koshti Jr. KG Sunflower Avinash Koshti Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

55. 9/19/2024 Vedika Darshale Jr. KG Dolphin Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

56. 9/10/2024 Vaiga Nair Jr. KG Dolphin Athira Nair Books Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

57. 9/11/2024 Mugdha Patil IV-F Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

58. 9/11/2024 Anvika Potdar Jr KG Butterfly Neha Potdar Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

59. 26/11/2024 Nivaan Verma Jr KG Butterfly Varsha Verma Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

60. 27/11/24 Shivansh Patil Jr.KG Dlophin Nilesh Patil Book ( Top Visionaries ) Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

61. 3/12/24 Saanavi Umale Jr.KG Dlophin Narendra Umale Sapling Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

62. 29/11/24 Prisha Ingale Sr. KG Earth Rose plant Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

63. 4/12/24 Rushank Khatei Sr. KG Earth bamboo plant Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

64. 23/10/24 Kridha Kapila Sr. KG Earth Sudha Murty's - Grandparent's bag of stories Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving

65. 25/10/24 Asmi Parvatkar IX-G Pallavi Parvatkar 20 Various Books Donated Birthday of the child
66. 22/11/24 Trikaay Tayade Jr. KG Everest 151 Moral Stories Birthday of the child
67. 3/12/24 Veeha Kulkarni III-G 2 -Marathi Books Birthday of the child
68. 5/12/24 Vedika Burkul Sr. KG- Earth 5- Panchtantra Stories Birthday of the child

Acts of Giving