SBPPS Color Strip
CBSE Affiliated (Affiliation Number: 1130 534) | NABET Accredited (Accreditation Number: WS 2428 071) |QS I-GAUGE Diamond Rated
A journey towards excellence.

Feedback and Submissions


We at S.B. Patil Public School give our best whilst publishing, ensuring we gather all the facts in as much detail as possible, and that all information is thoroughly cross-checked and proofread.

If by happenstance we have overlooked certain information, misspelt or misrepresented it; be it a person’s name, venue or any related information; we sincerely apologise, and request you not to hesitate to notify us at the earliest.

Whilst we may not be able to re-issue the revised and re-edited copy of Endeavour, we certainly can make the necessary amendments to the online and downloadable issue available on the institute’s website.

Also, we welcome your suggestions on ways we could better our publications; ergo, please feel free to e-mail and let us know what is on your mind.

Regards and best wishes,

Dr. Rohit Sarkar
Media and Publishing Executive | Writer and Editor-in-Chief


Our publications are not about exhibiting the official highlights, events and activities conducted at our school, it is about you all, students and parents alike. We intend our publications, in particular, the magazine and newsletters to be a platform for you all to portray your creativity in drawings, paintings, and writings.: be it stories, rhymes or poetry. This is why (the April 2021 issue onwards) in addition to our regular segments: "Inked and Scrawled" and "Picassos in the Making", we have commenced on including the new section "Folk Tales" which is specifically for parents to share their creativity.

Should you have any art which you feel like having published, please do not hesitate to e-mail it across. We shall make certain to have it published in the forthcoming issues of Endeavour.

Please do keep in mind the following pointers whilst submitting:

  1. We receive a copious number of artwork, and due to lack of space are unable to publish all in a singular issue. For this reason, multiple drawings sent will be shortlisted and published in a number of issues. Hence please do not be disappointed if your work is not published soon. Sooner or later it shall be; you have our word.
  2. Rules and Regulations:
    • All submissions must be an original piece of work by the artist or author. Plagiarism will not be entertained.
    • Images should be in .jpg or .png formats. Written documents should be in .docx format. Other formats will not be accepted.
    • If you are a student, please mention your full name, class and section in the e-mail.
    • If you are a parent, please mention your full name, your child's full name, his/ her class and section.
    • Whilst submitting photographs of your drawings and paintings, please make certain your camera is placed parallel to your art. Photographs taken at an angle with backgrounds of tables, beds or walls visible will be rejected.

Depending upon your convenience, feel free to submit your work either to your class teacher or directly to us at the e-mail provided under.

Wishing you all the very best, oodles of creativity and tonnes of talent.

Dr. Rohit Sarkar
Media and Publishing Executive | Writer and Editor-in-Chief