SBPPS Color Strip
CBSE Affiliated (Affiliation Number: 1130 534) | NABET Accredited (Accreditation Number: WS 2428 071) |QS I-GAUGE Diamond Rated
A journey towards excellence.

Special Assemblies and Events 2021 - 22


A year has passed by so fast,
leaving behind memories that will forever last.
All the joys and smiles, shared through all the seasons,
will be always remembered for every rhyme and reason.

The year began with virtual classes, meeting class teachers, making new friends, getting introduction with ABCs and 123's, fun-filled rhymes, story sessions, monthly activities and festive celebrations, not to forget the sports and annual day; and what a beautiful journey it has been for not only the little ones but also for every teacher who was part of their lives.

As they graduate to the next class after being prepped and geared up for a new session, the teachers ended the year with a bang by hosting the Annual Pre-Primary Pyjama Party. Organised by the Pre-primary section of S.B. Patil Public School, the Pyjama Party was held for the tiny tots on the evening of March 26th, 2022. Children were welcomed with a surprise makeover of their classrooms which included tents made out of colourful stoles, beautiful decorations matching the theme, mats laid with pillows for pillow fights, and cute and cuddly teddies to snuggle with.

Children were super-excited as they enjoyed every moment of their pyjama party with teachers having planned warm-ups; dance parties; a quiz round; games; chit chat with friends; story time with children relaxing on the mats, listening to their teacher narrate stories as they chomped and munched snacks enjoying their night out.

So enjoyable was the event that children did not wish to return home but as they are too young for a whole night out, it was with a heavy heart that they were sent home. Of course, we at S.B. Patil always love to see the biggest smile on our little ones' faces, and so they were bid adieu with presents from their teachers and hugs .


Black & White Day Celebration

Just like we cannot imagine a world without colours, a world without black and white is unimaginable too! Black and white are opposites on the colour wheel but are commonly placed together to contrast or complement one another.

With an objective to recapitulate & reinforce the recognition of black and white colours, the pre-primary section celebrated “Black and White Colour Day” on 28th February 2022 virtually.

The students were smartly dressed in black & white attires. Teachers showed them different black & white colour objects and pictures. Kids also participated in different activities. Nursery kids developed their fine motor skill with paper tearing in stripes and pasting on the picture of zebra.

Jr.KG students celebrated the day with shadow activity using a torch and made different hand gestures to observe the shadow. The teacher also demonstrated activity using the globe to understand the day and night concept. Sr. KG students were busy with making a mask raft activity. They used paper plate and black hat cut out. It was indeed a fun-filled learning day for the little ones.

Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS
Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS
Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS
Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS
Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS
Black & White Day Celebration, SBPPS

"Out in the Garden” - A Field visit to Plant Nursery

Plants are nourishing life on earth in many ways by providing fruits, vegetables, flowers, medicines, sprouts etc. They are precious gift to our life from nature. Plants keep us healthy.

To give a hands-on experience related to plants & to inculcate the love for environment & to relish the beauty of nature, the pre-primary section has arranged a virtual field visit to plant Nursery- “Srushti Rop Vatika” on 4th February 2022.

In the nursery, teacher explained the variety of shrubs, cactus, creepers, herbs palm, fruits and colourful aromatic flowers. They were curious to know about the surrounding & were excited to see the pots of varying shapes & sizes. It was told to them that fertilizers are required for plants growth.

This field trip sensitized the students towards caring for the environment & the importance of planting more trees.

Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS
Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS
Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS
Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS
Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS
Field visit to Plant Nursery, SBPPS

Orange colour Day celebration

Colours are the smiles of nature, so is the colour Orange. Orange is a dynamic colour & stimulates imagination & creativity. To acquaint the little ones with the concept of the secondary colour, Orange & objects related to it, Orange colour Day was celebrated in Pre-primary section on 31st January 2022 with zest.

To make this day special, children were dressed-up in orange colour shades. The budding buds of Nursery section were given a thorough understanding of the colour orange through different activities such as how to get this secondary colour by mixing two primary colours: red & yellow. & kids also developed their fine motor skills & concentration skill by orange peeling activity. Whereas Jr. KG kids showcased their talent by orange peeling and making crab with orange segments. Kiddies of Sr. KG were busy with squeezing orange for juice & making lion with craft paper.

The children enjoyed a lot & the purpose of the activities was fulfilled.

Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS
Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS
Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS
Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS
Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS
Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS
Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS Orange colour Day celebration, SBPPS

Republic Day Celebration

Freedom in mind, faith in words,
Pride in our heart, memories in our soul,
Let’s salute the Nation on Republic Day.

The Pre-primary wing of S. B. Patil Public School celebrated “Republic Day” on 25th January 2022 during the virtual class session to ensure that the fervour of patriotism lives on. Teacher explained the significance of Republic day and the constitution of India & threw light on about the National symbols & the importance of each colour in the National flag. The young minds of Nursery section were engaged in vegetable dabbing activity on the picture of flag, whereas Jr KG kids displayed their love & spirit for their country by dressing up as various National leaders & Community helpers. They spoke about the characters very well which they were depicting. Sr. KG students helped their parents in preparing & presenting tri-colour dishes which representing our Indian culture & tradition & they also spoke few lines about it.

The day was full of enthusiasm that set a sense of love for our country in children.

Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS
Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS
Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS
Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS
Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS
Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS
Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS Republic Day Celebration, SBPPS

Rhythm Divine 10 - 'Celebrating Diversity'

The Annual day program is a platform, where students come forward and showcase their different talents and interests .We believe for an overall development of a child they should be given outlets to showcase their interests, without this the entire teaching process is incomplete.

The virtual Annual day program, this year too at S. B. Patil Public School was as colorful, dramatic and full of surprises as it has been since the past 10 years.The theme of this year's annual day program was Rhythm Divine -10 'Celebrating Diversity'. Celebrating diversity is all about understanding that each individual is unique and it is important to appreciate & embrace the qualities of each individual, this is the key to personal and community growth. Almost every moment we are immersed and face different aspects of diversity in life, it could be the beliefs, rituals ,values, attitudes, clothes etc. But away from all this, the pure souls with all their innocence our tiny tots of the pre primary section conveyed a message of celebrating diversity through their brilliant performances on 22nd December 2021. They showcased varied performances and their creativity through dance, singing, performing yoga, exhibiting their culinary skill & beautiful painting in the show.The energy & confidence displayed by our small wonders left our audience applauding and praising them wholeheartedly .Parents also appreciated the skit performance presented by the pre primary students which highlighted about the diversity seen among the working class, it ended with a noble message- every profession has its own significance and value, there is balance in the society all because of each other's support.

Children in the colorful traditional fineries, represented different states across India and abroad, doing folk dances and dancing to the tunes of songs from South Africa, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Japan to name a few, gave us an all around tour of the world and different cultures through their performances.There were also magic shows put forward by the skillful little magicians of SBPPS. The backdrop for each performance was all set and artistically decorated by the parents, which added the extra spice and enhanced the entire flavor of the program. The annual day function was a great success, here we would like to thank our parents for their full support and cooperation.We would also like to express our deep sense of gratitude to our honorable Principal madam Dr.Bindu Saini for guiding & preparing the team for the smooth conducting of the most awaited event of the year.

All's Well that ends Well. We realize the beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.

Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS

Pre-primary Picnic

We, human beings are social animals, we cannot live in isolation. Instead, we need to live in groups for our survival. This group can be termed as a society or family. It’s no surprise that schools are a second home to the children and an important part when they grow up in their lives. Schools became a place where a child learns how to dream and how to follow the steps that lead to his destination in Life. Considering this Pre-primary section arranged a virtual picnic on 3-12-2021. Kids enjoy the Picnic. A Picnic is something that puts kids in just the right mood after days of drawing away on math sums and learning Geographical Locations in the world which they may not even visit in this Lifetime. It is a different method of study rather than regular study. It sounds interesting. Children enjoyed it a lot. Children had enjoyed the Moscow Magic show as well as DisneyLand. Kids munched snacks in the break while talking about virtual Picnic eagerly with the teacher. It was a fun day for teachers & students.

Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS
Pre-primary Picnic, SBPPS

Pre Primary Green Day Celebration

Green is a colour pervasive in the natural environment that signifies renewing, refreshing and regenerating. It represents balance, growth and harmony. Green is the most common colour in the natural world, think of green colour and its nature the first thought that strikes you.It has a healing power and is learnt to relax your mind and it also helps in relaxing the human eyes.

Color can sway thinking, change actions, and cause reactions. Students are taught by their teachers about the uses of colour in the world, its significance and helps them to develop an understanding of using colours in many ways.The pre primary section had 'Green colour day' celebration on Tuesday, 30th November 2021.The tiny tots and teachers alike joined the virtual celebration in different shades of green.The classes and school display boards were decorated to the colour theme displaying various objects in green. Children too curiously showed and talked about different objects they were having with them. After the object talking, teachers took different activities to hone their fine & gross motor skills. Sr.KG students had salad making activities using fresh green-colored vegetables and sprouts, they followed step by step instructions of their teachers and relished eating yummy healthy meals. Jr.KG students enjoyed listening to a story narrated by their teacher about saving trees and explained to them our existence depends on these trees. Students later enjoyed making snake puppets along with their teacher, boosting their cognitive skill. Nursery tiny tots were thrilled with their hands-on experience with mixing yellow and blue colours to get a new colour from it. Children also enjoyed green peas peeling activity.

Children learnt, enjoyed and developed their skills through various age appropriate art integrated activities.

Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS
Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS
Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS
Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS
Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS
Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS Pre Primary Green Day Celebration, SBPPS

Children's Day Celebration

Each child is special & a miracle with each having their own ways to make this world a beautiful place. Our little champs need more "Time" famous than gifts we buy for them. In this pandemic situation celebrations are important to live our life with enjoyment.

Therefore SBPPS Pre Primary section decided to celebrate Children's Day on 17th & 18th November 2021. It was celebrated offline. Students were happy to see their friends. Teachers arranged fun games for students. Kids enjoyed playing the games along with their classmates. Every adult has a small child inside. Whenever it gets a chance it comes out very enthusiastically. The same has been shown through teachers Dance & Skit. Also the teacher's song created a melodies atmosphere. Children were very happy to see their teachers in different characters. The celebration was full of joy & emotional hearts.

Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Children's Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School

Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section

To welcome the festival of lights, “Diwali”, a virtual Diwali celebration was organized with great enthusiasm by the Pre-Primary students of S. B. Patil Public school on 29th October 2021.

The respective class teachers explained to the students the importance of Diwali. Children were shown a short video on Diwali. Pre-primary kids participated in different activities. Nursery tiny tots participated in decorating the diya printouts with earbuds and water colour while Jr. KG. students showcased their creativity skills by making Rangoli. Sr. Kg students boosted creativity with making “Diya Holders” Kids also enjoyed Diwali Faral with their friends & teachers during online session. The pre-primary section truly lit up with the smile of tiny tots.

Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School
Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School
Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School
Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School
Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School
Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School
Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School Diwali Celebration in Pre-Primary Section, S.B.Patil School

Grandparents Day Celebration

Grandparents are the roots, the strong foundation of a family. Through their special love and care, grandparents keep a family close at heart. They play many roles such as a mentor, guide, best friend to their grandchildren giving them a sense of acceptance, stability, wisdom, fun and support. This quality time they spend with their grandparents in turn has a positive effect on a child's well being. To honour and show back our gratitude, S. B. Patil Public School Pre Primary section had organized 'Grandparents Day Celebration' on Saturday, 9th October 2021. As it coincided with the auspicious nine days of Navratri, both the celebrations were merged to make the entire event even more memorable and colourful. During this Navratri period teachers shared information, stories with ethical values related to the celebration in the online classes.

The virtual celebration started with a welcome speech by teacher's and a welcome song by the music teacher. The event was preceded with a pre recorded welcome speech by our honourable Principal Madam Dr. Bindu Saini and a beautiful poem inked by madam which reflects the wisdom and observation of a great leader. The highlight of the poem was how since ages the storytelling was the bonding time of our grandparents and grandchildren which was also passing on of traditions, social and moral values. This is now one of the main features that is being stressed upon by the new education policy 'Storytelling as pedagogy'. Moving on with the celebration we had an Antakshari round which took our guests to their golden memories of the 70's and 80's as they sang, swayed and enthusiastically participated in different rounds of the game. It was a wonderful time as grandchildren cheered for them and thus kept the spirits high. With all this energy burning out rounds it was time to have some delicacies of their region prepared and presented together by grandparents and grandchildren. Teachers spoke with the guests over the brunch and encouraged them to speak a few words about their experiences and their fond memories. With all these good times spent together and to bring the program to a happy end it was time for a Garbha round, teachers were amazed with the energy and enthusiasm of our youthful seniors who were sportingly adorning the traditional Navratri attire and they danced along with their grandchildren and family to the beats of dandiya songs. Our motive of bringing all the generations together having a good family time was well achieved as we were poured with the blessings of our seniors and their appreciation for organizing such a wonderful event filled our hearts with joy and pride. The celebration came to an end with a vote of thanks by teachers on behalf of SBPPS family and good wishes for their good health and well being.

Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Grandparents Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School

Yellow Colour Day Celebration

Early identification of colours helps to create the cognitive link between visual clues and words which is an important part of a child's holistic development.

To make the students aware of the Primary colour “Yellow”, Á Yellow colour Day’ was celebrated in the pre-primary section on 30th September 2021. The virtual session began with a fun filled introduction concerning the colour Yellow. Students were not only dressed up in yellow colour shades but also brought yellow colour objects to make it a complete yellow Day. Teachers planned different activities for the kids. Nursery tiny tots developed their fine motor skills by crumpling paper and pasting it on the picture of corn. Jr. KG students tried their cooking skills in making “Corn Bhel '' with all yellow ingredients like corn, butter, Nylon shev, lemon etc. students of Sr. KG developed fine motor skills & cognitive skills by making butterflies from wool.

It was indeed an amazing learning experience and a visual treat to see the impact of the yellow colour on our little ones.

Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Yellow Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School

Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration

Ganesh Chaturthi, is celebrated as a symbol of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. It is celebrated with much fervor all across India. People across the world worship Lord Ganesh before initiating any work .

Festivals bring people together, break the monotony of routine and give us a chance to re-energize our body, mind and spirit, which is exactly the need of the hour. As people welcomed their lord with much pomp and celebrations , we at S. B .Patil Public School celebrated by infusing and familiarizing our tiny tots with our roots and culture and explained to them the significance of the celebration. Stories, shlokas, videos of famous Ganesh Mandals across the state were shown to them and information was passed on by the teachers. As the classes are going virtual, children got a chance to show their Ganesh decorations at home to their teacher's and classmate's. Teacher emphasized on having eco friendly Ganesh idols, decorations and to have environment friendly idol immersion . To instill these good values and also to bring out the best imagination from our little champs pre primary section had Ganesh making activities with items easily available at home and which is eco friendly . Nursery students made Ekadanta with utensils under the guidance of their mentors. Jr.KG students made Vighnaharta using leaves and flowers for decoration and our Sr.KG section students made Gajanana with biscuits and dry fruits along with their teachers. It was an amazing skilled presentation by our little wonders .On the last day, the children and teachers bid adieu to their favourite deity by dancing and performing the Lezim to the folk -tunes of the Nashik Dhol Tasha, reverently praising aloud in union , "Ganpati Bappa Morya , pudhchya varshi lavkar ya"....

Here we learn "Everything will find an end, and each end will culminate in a new beginning ,.....Renewal is , but a synonym of life."

Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration, S.B.Patil School

Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration

"Nand ke ghar anand bhayo, jai kanhaiya lal ki, Hathi ghoda palki, jai kanhaiya lal ki" were the words that filled the midnight air on the eight day of Krishna Paksh in the month of Shraavana of Bhadrapad as everyone rejoiced, sang Bhajans ,worshiped, danced and celebrated Krishna Janmashtami. This festival is also known as Gokulashtami, its an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna. To familiarize and imbibe all the traditional values and familiarize with the rituals and festivals celebrated by us a splendid colourful program was organized for the children of pre primary section on 31st August 2021 at S .B Patil Public School .Children were made aware about the celebrations by teacher's giving information ,setting beautiful display of board decoration to the theme , a video about the mythological stories on Krishna's victory over the evil were presented to the children. Children were also shown a clipart of a human pyramid reaching the Dahi handi that resembles Krishna and his team, teacher related this entire thing to the values children should develop as they grow up like importance of teamwork ,bonding ,trust , friendship and one more that is of sharing. The virtual event was at its peak and what a blissful sight it was as all the tiny tots were dressed up as lord Krishna and Radha ,adorning peacock feathers on their crown ,complete with flutes and creatively decorated handis all danced and swayed to the tunes enjoying themselves and spreading happiness all around .

We pray ' May Lord Krishna show us all his devotes the way in this troubled times as he showed the way to Arjuna in the battle of Mahabharata and we all come out victorious'.

Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Krishna Janmashtami celebration, S.B.Patil School

Raksha Bandhan Celebration

Raksha Bandhan is the festival that celebrates brotherhood and love. The word Raksha means protection. On this day, sisters tie Rakhi around the wrists of their brothers to symbolically protect them and pray for their long life and happiness. Brothers in turn, give a gift to their sisters which is a promise that they will protect their sisters from any harm.

To inculcate the value of relationship, the Pre-primary section had arranged a virtual Raksha Bandhan Celebration on Friday, 20 August 2021. Tiny tots of Jr.KG had fun with an activity of rakhi & gift making. Teacher guided them step by step in making their favourite cartoon character “Minion”. Nursery children made rakhi using Pista Shells & made a beautiful flower Rakhi for their brothers. Boys made a photoframe using Ice cream sticks to give as a return gift. Sr.KG Students made rakhi using origami paper and teachers played videos of students saying their thoughts and the sweet bond they share with their siblings.

Children moved their legs to the soft melodious song “Fulon Ka Taron Ka” … It was very Heart Touching moment for all.

Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School Raksha Bandhan Celebration, S.B.Patil School

Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration

Nation First, Always First is the theme of India's 75th Independence Day celebration .It is our responsibility that we do our work in such a manner that it helps in uniting our country and work towards national progress.To Instill these values in the young minds this year too we had a virtual Independence Day celebration at S.B Patil Public School on Friday,13th August 2021. We missed having our students amongst us at school in the celebration of our National festival ,but we ensured that the fervour of patriotism and nationalism was kept alive within us and also the same could be ignited in the minds of our tiny tots.The school soft boards were decorated artistically by teachers ,entrance and classrooms were decorated with balloons and rangoli respectively.Students and teachers had worn attires in colours of our national flag .Students were given age appropriate information and a nice video was shown to make them understand and appreciate everything they had and celebrate the great miracle of freedom. Activities were conducted to make the day special and memorable for our students .Nursery section had colouring the national flag activity. Jr.KG children had sticking pulses on the National flag activity and they were thrilled to show off their tri -colours they had applied on their cheeks in the sesion along with their teachers .Students of Sr.KG had fun making tri colour pinwheels along with their teachers online. They got a chance to be creative and proudly showed off their hand made pinwheels to their parents. All these activities ensured children understood the significance of this day.

Let us not forget , Freedom is hard to get, but we were blessed to have it. Now let's all be responsible and work towards national progress . Happy Independence Day !

Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre Primary - Independence Day celebration, S.B.Patil School

Nursery Virtual field visit

Field trips strengthen observation skills by immersing children into sensory activities, increase children's knowledge and expand their awareness. To promote awareness and to expose the children to the world of amazing animals, Nursery section kids had been on a virtual field trip to the jungle safari on 6th August 2021. The students enthusiastically observed the majestic wild animals and water animals videos like Lion, Tiger, monkeys, Elephants and starfish, octopus. They saw a variety of animals and were fascinated by the beauty of nature. It was an enriching and learning experience for the students.

Children had a nice day with teachers, where they had all the fun of actual outdoor field visit.

Overall it was a day well spent which has given our students wonderful memories.

Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School
Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School
Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School
Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School
Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School
Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School
Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School
Nursery Virtual field visit, S.B.Patil School

Jr. KG Field Visit

The field visit is an educational procedure by which each student gains or learns information by observing the objects, places, natural events and other real-life information. The main objective of the field visit is experiential learning. Jr. KG students enjoyed their day on 06-08-2021 (Friday) when they had gone for a thrilling and adventurous 'Virtual Field Visit- JUNGLE SAFARI' with their teachers during online session. They were all geared up and ready wearing comfortable outfits, hat, cap, sunglasses. They saw various animals & learned their responsibility to protect our nature by keeping the environment clean. Teacher gave information about Wild Animals, Water Animals with their special characteristics and also explained their importance on the planet Earth.

Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School
Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School
Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School
Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School
Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School Jr. KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School

A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit

Educational field trips are significant for kindergarten in several ways. Children can gain a better perspective of the world around them by going on field trips ,where they are experiencing, observing and learning by coming in direct contact with surroundings and by observing different things through their eyes. Field trips help strengthen classroom materials and they can easily relate to their lessons. Such trips provide students with the opportunity to visualize, experience and discuss information. S.B Patil Public School pre primary section had arranged a virtual field visit for students on 6th August 2021. We understand students will remember, learn and understand a topic for their lifetime after having a visual and practical experience of it. So,after introducing students to the theme of the month Animals, the Sr.KG section had been on a virtual field trip to Mysuru Zoo, a very informative documentary which had an array of animals to show from India and across the world was shown to our students.In the zoo the animals were well taken care of by their caretakers ,well fed and were kept in spacious enclosures which gave the ambience of natural habitat.The special attraction for our students were the Big cats , Lions, Tigers ,student's were also shown White Tiger and Cheetah.They also saw Wallabies from Australia and Hyenas ,Rhinos bought in from Malaysia.Seeing the Zebras and Giraffes excited the children.Teachers gave information to students about these animals , what they eat ,and some interesting facts about a few animals .Children saw different types of Deer's and many different species of birds like Ostrich ,Herons to name a few .Students were thrilled to see the Chimpanzee as he was playing naughty with the visitor's at the zoo.Children had a nice day with teachers ,where they had all the fun of actual outdoor field visit ,teachers and students donned their sunglasses ,hats ,carried backpacks and munched some snacks in between ,discussed ,chatted and had some nice laugh over things they saw at zoo ......Wow ! We are sure that was one memorable virtual field visit for our students.

A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School
A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School
A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School
A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School
A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School A virtual Trip to Mysuru Zoo - Sr.KG Field Visit, S.B.Patil School

Blue Colour Day Celebration

Blue is the colour of sky & sea. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence & truth.

The Pre-primary section of S. B. Patil school celebrated Blue colour Day on 30th July 2021. It was a pleasant & a cool blue day for the tiny tots. Students were made to recognize blue colour through different play-way activities. The little ones of Nursery section made a blue dolphin through a sponge dabbing. While Jr. KG Teachers gave Value education through demonstrating a story about not polluting water bodies. kids mixed blue colour in water representing the ocean & promised to throw plastic in the dustbin. Sr. KG got engaged in making an aquarium and they showed fishes using walnut shells, pista shells and talked about taking care of animals.

Blue Colour Day was an amazing learning experience which had a long lasting effect on each student.

Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Blue Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School

Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration

Ashadhi Ekadashi is one of the most important religious festivals that is celebrated in Maharashtra.

On 20 July 2021 the festival of ‘Ashadhi Ekadashi’ was celebrated with great enthusiasm by the Pre-Primary students of S. B. Patil Public school. All the students were attired in traditional costumes as Warkaris.

The respective class teachers explained to the students the importance of Ashadhi Ekadashi and Palkhi procession as it was a virtual celebration. The students listened attentively to the stories of Sant Dyaneshwar and Sant Tukaram. This celebration encouraged the students to participate in the rich cultural traditions of our country and know more about their heritage.

Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School
Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration, S.B.Patil School

Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration

We live in a wonderful world & colours make our world beautiful. Can you imagine our surroundings without colours? No. Never. In the dark clouds when we get a glimpse of the colourful rainbow our mind gets fresh & starts blooming like a flower. This proves colour is magic for us & specially Red Colour. It signifies energy, love, even alertness. To make students familiar with the Red colour pre primary section have celebrated Red Colour Day on Wednesday 30-06-2021 through visual platforms. To make this day very special, students & teachers were dressed in Red clothes. The class was decorated with Red colour objects.

Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. Keeping this in mind, the Jr.KG section tried to develop fine motor skills with Paper tearing & Crumpling activity. Nursery kids tried their hands on Ear-Bud printing & Sr.KG students developed their fine motor skills with Vegetable Printing. Children had a lovely day & enjoyed it a lot.

Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School
Pre-Primary Red Colour Day Celebration, S.B.Patil School