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CBSE Affiliated (Affiliation Number: 1130 534) | NABET Accredited (Accreditation Number: WS 2428 071) |QS I-GAUGE Diamond Rated
A journey towards excellence.

Faculty Awardees 2021-22

Enhancing Internationalisation and Understanding Sustainability:
At the Social Media for Learning in Higher Education 2021 Conference

Pune, Maharashtra | December 14th, 2021

Ms. Darshana Kamat was one of the few teachers hailing from both India and Scotland who co-authored and submitted an abstract for an International conference. They presented their work in the Social Media for Learning in Higher Education 2021 Conference (SocMedHE21) on December 14th, 2021. The topic was “Enhancing Internationalisation and Understanding of Sustainability Through a Remotely Delivered Hands-on Stem Challenge. Social Media as Medium of Participatory Pedagogy.”

This presentation was based on the teachers’ experience in the STEM challenge project with IISER Pune and University of Glasgow, Scotland. The STEM challenge, “Build Your Sustainable House” project was an international series of workshops between the School of Education (SoE), University of Glasgow (UoG) and the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune.

In this workshop, participants comprising of five Scottish and eight Indian teachers explored the engineering design: “Review and Revise” process to design and build a model of a sustainable house for the local area.

In the words of Ms. Kamat, “This project and experience of international conference was hugely beneficial to me and my professional development with a focus on expanding knowledge and practice from other schools, institutions, curriculums and countries. This has raised awareness of positive learning experiences as well as barriers and challenges faced by children in other parts of the world.”

We congratulate Ms. Kamat for once again endeavouring to excel and develop her professional capacity as an academic, and wish her the very best for the future.


On Facial Recognition and Individual Identification:
An AI-themed Paper by Dr. Saini and Dr. Malik

Pune, Maharashtra | September 3rd and 4th, 2021

We congratulate the principal, Dr. Saini, and the Innovation Lab in-charge, Dr. Malik for having published yet another paper, “Face Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence”. The paper was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Applications of AI and Machine Learning (ICAML 21) hosted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala.

The paper elaborated on how facial recognition has, over time, proven to be the least intrusive and fastest form of biometric verification. It further went on to explain that facial recognition is a category of biometric software that maps an individual’s facial features and stores the data as a face print. The software uses deep learning algorithms to compare a live captured image to the stored face print to verify one’s identity.

Dr. Saini and Dr. Malik suggested that image processing and machine learning are the backbones of this technology, and that face recognition has received substantial attention from researchers due to human activities found in various applications of security like an airport, criminal detection, face tracking, forensic, etc.

Comparing this to other biometric traits like palm print, iris, fingerprint, etc., face biometrics can be non-intrusive. They can be taken even without the user’s knowledge and further can be used for security-based applications like criminal detection, face-tracking, airport security, and forensic surveillance systems. The paper primarily then focused on face recognition involving capturing face images from a video or a surveillance camera, comparing them with a stored database.

Educators like Dr. Saini and Dr. Malik add a new definition to the teaching/ learning process by making teaching others and learning oneself a simultaneous, parallel and continuous process. We congratulate them both for their work and contribution to the field of academia, and wish them the best for all future publications to come.


The Seven Stars on Orion’s Belt:
The AKS Global Teacher Awards Ceremony 2021

Pune, Maharashtra | October 24th, 2021

The Seven Stars on Orion’s Belt: The AKS Global Teacher Awards Ceremony 2021, SBPPS In a glorious win, seven faculty members from S.B. Patil Public School won the prestigious AKS Global Teacher Award 2021: the school coordinator, Ms. Padmavati Banda; pre-primary coordinator and Grades I and II sub-coordinator, Ms. Shubhangi Kulkarni; secondary section math teacher, Ms. Richa Sharma; Innovation Lab in-charge, Dr. Neeru Malik; secondary teacher for English, Ms. Anita Patil; science teacher, Ms. Varsha Deshmukh; and the Writer and Editor for the school publications, Mr. Rohit Sarkar.

The award ceremony is an immensely acclaimed and awaited function that provides teachers and educators, the world throughout, across a 100+ countries, a platform wherein they are recognised for their dedication and contribution towards the field of academics and the growth of students.

Every recipient was aptly and rightfully deserving of the meritorious accolade. And we, on behalf of the principal, Dr. Bindu Saini, and every faculty member of S.B. Patil Public School congratulate these seven stars for achieving such prestigious laurels, and wish them that they continue to rise up the ladder of success, bringing glory to themselves and our school.


Winning MindOn’s Educator of the Year Award:
A Mindful Win by Ms. Ambre and Mr. Sarkar

Pune, Maharashtra | September 4th, 2021

Winning the MindOnEducator of the Year Award: A Mindful Win by Ms. Ambre and Mr. Sarkar, SBPPS S.B. Patil Public School is proud to be associated with MindOn, an organisation that works with educational institutes helping them focus on student’s happiness and well-being by offering programmesthat are based on mindfulness, social-emotional learning and positive psychology. It is one of the first programmes in India that works towards creating a strong mental health foundation for students and those within the schooling academic arena.

The organisation believes that it is through empowered educators that awareness can be encouraged, resilience and compassion enhanced, and individual growth and success can be nurtured. Winning the MindOnEducator of the Year Award: A Mindful Win by Ms. Ambre and Mr. Sarkar, SBPPS

On September 4th, MindOn's Mindful Education Awards offered a platform to recognise the meticulous efforts by teachers and schoolswho implement the concept of mindfulness in their students via a virtual awards ceremony. The aim was to honour the efforts of educators and schools in creating mentally and physically sound environments for students to grow and thrive in, especially considering the pandemic and the mental strain it has on students. The ceremony attracted over more than 2,000 nominations from all across India and were gauged by an autonomous panel of experts including a team of psychologists and psychiatrists.

Winning the MindOnEducator of the Year Award: A Mindful Win by Ms. Ambre and Mr. Sarkar, SBPPS The school counsellor, Ms. Reema Ambre, and the Media and Publications Department Executive. Mr. Rohit Sarkar were awarded for their contribution to helping and enabling students be positive and engage productively, especially during the pandemic Ms. Ambre conducts lectures on issues faced in everyday life by students thus enabling them to focus on the positive aspects of life whilst helping them to cope with challenges faced in a constructive manner.

Winning the MindOnEducator of the Year Award: A Mindful Win by Ms. Ambre and Mr. Sarkar, SBPPS Mr. Sarkar who is also the Writer and Editor for the school’s publications has helped students and parents find a creative and productive outletby encouraging them to publish their art and written work. This was especially helpful for them whilst the pandemic ensued, and schools were closed with students and parents studying and working from home.

We at S.B. Patil Public are proud of them, and wish them the very best in their devout work towards the betterment of the school and its students.


Studying Challenges in Cyber Security During the Pandemic:
A Research Paper by Dr. Malik and Dr. Saini

Pune, Maharashtra | May 2021

Adding another feather to their caps, Dr. Neeru Malik, the Innovative Lab in-charge; and Dr. Bindu Saini, the principal published a paper in the International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN).

The paper entitled: “A Study on Challenges in Cyber Security During Pandemicand its Emerging Trends on Latest Technologies” discussed how cyber security plays an important role in the field of information and technology. It further went on to elaborate how security of the information has become one of the biggest challenges in the present day with various companies and governments taking many measures in order to prevent cyber-crimes.

In short, the paper’s focus was on how cyber security is still a very big concern to many companies; the challenges faced by cyber security on the latest technologies during this COVID-19 pandemic time; and on the latest about the cyber security ethics, techniques, and the trends changing the face of cybersecurity.

The link to the paper can be found here:

One is quick to presume that we at S.B. Patil Public School merely focus on our student’s holistic development whilst the reality is that even the teachers strive to actively develop upon themselves, surpass all their own expectations, and elevate themselves to be better and more effective educators.

That being said, we heartily congratulate both Dr. Malik and Dr. Saini who despite being PhD holders do not stop at learning, or personally and professionally advancing. We wish them the very best for every future venture they undertake.


Ms. Gugale Awarded the Shakti Sammaan Award

Pune, Maharashtra | July 3rd, 2021

Ms. Gugale Awarded the Shakti Sammaan Award, SBPPS A teacher is a leader, role model and lifetime moral and emotional support for her students. She is blessed to grow and learn throughout her life by teaching her students. For a teacher, learning never ends and she plays an important role in motivating and inspiring her students.

The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has led to many changes in the lives of people since the lockdown in March 2020. The life of teachers also changed drastically when they had to switch from offline mode to online mode of teaching. They had to learn and unlearn so many things to continue to teach, inspire and motivate their students. Teachers at S. B. Patil Public School are no exception to this change. They endured everything which came in their way to fulfilling their responsibilities.

One of our secondary school social science teacher, Ms. Anjali Gugale has been awarded the “Shakti Samman” by online community of teachers known as the “We the World Educators” for her role as a dedicated teacher and conducting online international collaborations on school curriculums.

Ms. Gugale dedicated this award of “Shakti Samman” to Principal Dr.Bindu Saini, all coordinators, teachers, educators and mentors of S.B. Patil School who always give their wholehearted support and motivate their students and perform all their duties despite all odds and adversities. Here is a poem written by Alan Maley dedicated to all teachers:


Ms. Gugale Awarded the Shakti Sammaan Award, SBPPS What do you do?
I am a teacher.

What do you teach?

What do you teach them?
English Language

You mean grammar, verbs, nouns, pronunciation, conjunction, articles and particles, negative and interrogative…?

That too

What do you mean "that too"?

Well, I also teach them how to think, feel, show them inspiration, aspiration, cooperation, participation, consolation, innovation.

…help them think about globalization, exploitation, confrontation, incarceration, discrimination, degradation, subjugation.

…how inequality brings poverty, how intolerance bring violence, how need is denied by greed, how isms become prisons, how feeling and thinking can bring about healing.

Well I don’t know about that, maybe you should stick to language and forget about anguish. You can’t change the world.
But if I did that, I’d be a cheater, not a teacher.

- Alan Maley


Symphonies, Songs, and Stand-up Comedy:
At the Indradhanu Entertainment Event 2021

Pune, Maharashtra | July 3rd, 2021

Symphonies, Songs, and Stand-up Comedy: At the Indradhanu Entertainment Event 2021, SBPPS It is a matter of great pride as accolades continue to decor our hall of fame at S.B. Patil Public School. In an extravagant virtual event recently organised by the Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering and Research’s Faculty and Staff Development Cell.

Faculty members of all sister concerns of Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust were invited to participate so as to give vent to innate talents in singing, instrumental music, stand-up comedy acts, art quizzes and a game of Antakshari. Symphonies, Songs, and Stand-up Comedy: At the Indradhanu Entertainment Event 2021, SBPPS

Held on July 3rd, 2021, S.B. Patil Public School’s music teachers Ms. Sulochana Pawar, Mr. Kuldeep Ghadge and Mr. Prathamesh Inamdar enthusiastically participated and put up never-to-stop-appreciating performances. Competing in a colourful environ with faculties of all our sister institutes, our school bagged three prizes in various events. These are mentioned as follows:

Symphonies, Songs, and Stand-up Comedy: At the Indradhanu Entertainment Event 2021, SBPPS Ms. Pawar received the second position in the Female Solo Singing category. She presented the melodious Bollywood song from 2002’s Devdas, “Silsila Ye Chahat Ka”. Mr. Ghadge presented some mesmerising notes of the Kirwaani Raga and bagged the first position in the Solo Musical Instruments category. And Mr. Prathamesh Inamdar presented a rib-tickling performance titled “Fun-filled School” in the Stand-up Comedy category and won the first position in the event.

Our beloved faculty members won the hearts of the audience by their talented and confident presentations. The principal, Dr. Saini; and the school coordinator, Ms. Banda; and everyone at S.B Patil Public School applauded our winners for their exuberant success. Their performance can be viewed on here:


An Empirical Study on NEP 2020:
At the Scienceglobe International Conference

Pune, Maharashtra | May 7th, 2021

An Empirical Study on NEP 2020: At the Scienceglobe International Conference, SBPPS On May 7th, 2021, an international conference organised by Scienceglobe, Chennai in association with Institute of Research and Journals (IRAJ) and Institute for Technology and Research (ITR). Scienceglobe is a non-profit organisation that aids in the promotion of engineering and technology. The latest developments and issues are discussed and experimented via interactions amongst researchers and academics across the globe.

An Empirical Study on NEP 2020: At the Scienceglobe International Conference, SBPPS Dr. Bindu Saini, principal of S.B. Patil Public School; Dr. Neeru Malik, the Innovative Lab in-charge; and Ms. Shubhangi Kulkarni, the pre-primary and primary sections coordinator together published a paper at this conference. Entitled, An Empirical Study on NEP 2020 with Special Reference to ECCE and the Effects on the Stakeholders.

The paper emphasised on how education plays a phenomenal role in building a nation thus becoming a deciding factor for the future of the youth. The impact would be long-lasting in terms of growth and development of society, its citizens and the nation at large.

An Empirical Study on NEP 2020: At the Scienceglobe International Conference, SBPPS It further went on to elaborate how many changes have been proposed in the education system across all levels in the light of the National Education Policy 2020. These would with all certainty affect all stakeholders positively and constructively. The paper exhibited insight about the National Education Policy 2020 with special reference Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and how this reformed paradigm would be beneficial to students and facilitators alike.

We wholeheartedly congratulate Dr. Saini, Dr. Malik and Ms. Kulkarni on having presented their paper at the international conference. In this day and age, it is imperative that not only students develop themselves holistically but that the faculty tutoring and mentoring them also enhance their skills and aptitude, setting themselves on a pedestal that one can look up to. With faculty such as Dr. Saini, Dr. Malik and Ms. Kulkarni, we at S.B. Patil could not be prouder.