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CBSE Affiliated (Affiliation Number: 1130 534) | NABET Accredited (Accreditation Number: WS 2428 071) |QS I-GAUGE Diamond Rated
A journey towards excellence.

Faculty Awardees 2023-24

Second in Silver:
Winning the Kabaddi Nationals

Madgaon, Goa | 8th to 13th February, 2024

Kabaddi Nationals We congratulate Ms. Gauri Utture, our sports teacher for standing second in the 6th National Masters Games 2024 in Kabaddi in the Women’s 40+ section. The event was organised by the Super Masters Games and Sports Federation, and was held in Goa from 6th to 13th February 2024. She was awarded a Certificate of Merit and a silver medal; and was later felicitated by our principal, Dr. Bindu Saini.

Kabaddi Nationals Ms. Utture is not only a member of our Sports Department but avidly participates in numerous sporting events regularly. We once again congratulate her on her win.





On Organic Farming:
Vice Principal, Ms. Padmavati Banda Wins the Most Captivating Award

Pune, Maharashtra | 16th December, 2023

On Organic Farming We heartily congratulate our vice principal, Ms. Padmavati Banda for winning the Most Captivating Award for her presentation on "The Benefits of Organic Farming" at the National Launch Pad VII held in Mumbai on 16th December, 2023.

On Organic Farming We also thank the PCET management and Board of Trustees: Mr. Dnyaneshwar P. Landge, Chairman; Ms. Padma M. Bhonsle, Vice Chairperson; Mr. Vitthal S. Kalbhor, Secretary; Mr. Shantaram D. Garade, Treasurer; Mr. Harshvardhan S. Patil, Trustee; and Dr. Girish M. Desai, Executive Director whose support towards and emphasis on the holistic development of even the faculty members has led to this astounding win.

The Art of Education

Pune, Maharashtra | 26th November, 2023

The Art of Education EduDrone organised the Teacher’s Got Talent Conference on 26th November, 2023. The theme of the event was Art Integration in mainstream subjects.

The Art of Education From S.B. Patil Public School, Ms. Darshana Kamat, Ms. Trupti Zarkar, and Ms. Kranti Kulkarni went to the conference wherein they all presented papers on their respective subjects. Ms. Kulkarni presented her paper on the subject of Shadow Imagery, Ms. Zarkar spoke about using art to explain the characteristics and dynamics of sound, and Ms. Kamat spoke on unlocking the world of chemistry through the joy of art and bubbles.

The Art of Education Ms. They were appreciated by their commitment towards excellence. In this Ms Kranti Kulkarni was awarded for winning Judges’ Choice’ prize.

We congratulate all of these teachers who are now exemplars of educators who promote excellence in education. We also give a hearty round of applause to Ms. Kranti Kulkarni for her win.

A Valued Contribution by Ms. Jeetkaur Sodhi

Pune, Maharashtra | 21st November, 2023

A Valued Contribution by Ms. Jeetkaur Sodhi मधुबन प्रकाशन द्वारा हिंदी पाठ्य पुस्तकों की नवीन श्रृंखला ‘मधुश्री हिंदी पाठमाला’ दिनांक मंगलवार, २१ नवंबर २०२३ के दिन प्रकाशित की गई | इस पाठमाला में कक्षा पहली से कक्षा पाँचवीं तक की हिंदी पुस्तकों का समावेश है |

A Valued Contribution by Ms. Jeetkaur Sodhi इस पाठमाला में NCFSE (National Curriculum Framework for School Education 2023) के सभी भावों, लक्ष्यों एवं सिद्धांतों को पूर्णत: लागू करने का प्रयास किया गया है | इस कार्य हेतु संपादक डॉ. प्रदीप कुमार जैन (NCERT के पूर्व सदस्य) के मार्गदर्शन में पुस्तक के पाठों की पाठ – योजना में भी यथोचित परिवर्तन कर नवीन शैली में पाठ योजनाएँ तैयार की गई हैं |

मधुश्री की कक्षा चौथी और पाँचवीं की पुस्तक में हमारे विद्यालय की हिंदी शिक्षिका सुश्री जीतकौर सोढी द्वारा बनाई गई पाठ योजनाओं का भी समावेश किया गया है | अत: पुस्तक के आधार – स्तंभ के पृष्ठ पर आभार एवं सहयोग में सुश्री जीतकौर सोढी व एस बी पाटिल विद्यालय, पुणे का नाम भी प्रकाशित किया गया है |

We congratulate Ms. Sodhi on this achievement, and wish her the very best for the future. We hope that she will give her expertise and be part of many such publications.

Winning the Gold at Master Games Association

Pune, Maharashtra | 17th to 19th November, 2023

Winning the Gold at Master Games Association Winning the Gold at Master Games Association We congratulate our sports instructor, Ms. Gauri Utture for winning a Gold Medal in Kabaddi in the 4th Maharashtra State Masters Games 2023 Championship (Women’s 40+ Section) held at Nashik from 17th to 19th November, 2023.

Apart from being the sports instructor for the senior classes, Ms. Utture is also an avid sports fan and partakes in multiple sporting events. On behalf of everyone here at S.B. Patil Public School, we congratulate Ms. Utture on this win.

Those Moves Worth Gold:
Mr. Ajay Chawaria Wins the Best Choreographer Award

Pune, Maharashtra | 23rd September, 2023

Winning the IIHM Awards Mr. Ajay Chawaria is a name most people at S.B. Patil Public School know. The dance instructor for students, and choreographer for major events, his skills have helped students and the win multiple awards in various inter-school dance events.

On 23rd September, 2023, Mr. Chawaria led the the dance team of students from Grades VII to X in the Udaan 0.1 Inter-school State Level Dance Competition organised by Dance with Music (DWM). The mega-event was held at Phoenix World School. Their performance not only won the first prize but Mr. Chawaria was awarded the Best Choreographer Award.

We congratulate the whole team and especially Mr. Ajay Chawaria for winning this prestigious award.

Winning the IIHM Awards:
Congratulations to Ms. Darshana Kamat, Ms. Vandana Sangle and Dr. Saini

Pune, Maharashtra | 15th September, 2023

Winning the IIHM Awards We congratulate Ms. Darshana Kamat, the section coordinator for Grades IX and X; and Ms. Vandana Sangle, the section coordinator for Grades VI to VIII who were presented with the IIHM Teacher’s Day Award 2023. The award ceremony was organised by the International Institute of Hotel Management, Pune.

Winning the IIHM Awards Ms. Kamat and Ms. Sangle have always been highly devoted to ensuring the holistic development of our students, and rightly deserve this award. On 15th September, both faculty were felicitated for their wins at the Teacher’s Day function held at school.

Winning the IIHM Awards To add a feather in the cap of our school, our principal, Dr. Bindu Saini received the Princpal Par Excellence Award by IIHM

We congratulate Ms. Kamat, Ms. Sangle and Dr. Saini for these prestigious wins; and wish them every success and more wins in the future.

To Educators, with Love:
The Main Bhi Kalam Mentorship Award

Pune, Maharashtra | September 5th, 2023

Winning the IIHM Awards To celebrate Teacher’s Day, the Dr. Kalam International Foundation (DKIF) hosted the Main Bhi Kalam Mentorship Awards 2023 to deserving educators for incorporating the strategies of NEP and effectively building 21st Century skills among learners.

Winning the IIHM Awards We are proud to announce that from S.B. Patil Public School, Principal, Dr. Bindu Saini; and Media and Publishing Department Executive, Dr. Rohit Sarkar were both awarded this meritorious accolade.

We heartily congratulate both Dr. Saini and Dr. Sarkar for their wins and wish them the very best as they contribute wholesomely to the fields of education.

For Excellence in Education:
Winning the DKIF Awards

Pune, Maharashtra | May 1st, 2023

Winning the DKIF Awards In another moment of triumph and celebration, the principal of S.B. Patil Public School, Dr. Bindu Saini; and Media and Publishing Department Head, Dr. Rohit Sarkar were recipients to awards by the Dr. Kalam International Foundation in association with Sushant University, New Delhi.

Winning the DKIF Awards

For her service and contribution to the field of education, Dr. Saini was awarded the Leadership Excellence award; and for his passion and towards deaf/ blind inclusivity in special education, Dr. Sarkar was awarded the Skill-Guru Excellence Award.

We heartily congratulate both Dr. Saini and Dr. Sarkar for their wins and wish them the very best as they contribute wholesomely to the fields of education… inclusively!