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CBSE Affiliated (Affiliation Number: 1130 534) | NABET Accredited (Accreditation Number: WS 2428 071) |QS I-GAUGE Diamond Rated
A journey towards excellence.

SBPPS Against COVID-19

Dear Readers,

We pray that this finds you and your families safe and in the best of health and wellness.

With the world plagued by the on-going pandemic, and ever increasing rise in cases, especially in Maharashtra, S.B. Patil Public School has closed its campus for the students sine die until official clearance is received. Students will be continually taught via online classes being held from the school’s campus.

We at S.B. Patil believe in the wholesome and overall development and education of our students, and whilst this is not possible temporarily, we are making our very best efforts to ensure that the students receive the best education while being in the safety of their homes. Our teachers are dedicatedly and rigorously preparing lectures and delivering them in the best possible manner for students to understand and full-fledgedly participate.

We understand that this is a strenuous task for both the teachers and the students, hence we strongly urge parents to wholeheartedly cooperate with our management and teaching team so as to ensure your child gets the best from this temporary setup.

Further to this, we our responsibly taking regular sanitising measures as dictated by health officials and the WHO to ensure a safe campus atmosphere and unwavering functioning of the school during this time.

Kindly check our website for continued institutional updates with respect to COVID-19.


The S.B. Patil Public School Management