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CBSE Affiliated (Affiliation Number: 1130 534) | NABET Accredited (Accreditation Number: WS 2428 071) |QS I-GAUGE Diamond Rated
A journey towards excellence.

School Innovation Council

The School Innovation Council, Session 3:
An Interaction at PCCOE

Pune, Maharashtra | 31st July, 2024

Celebrating Guru Purnima The students of Grades VI to X were addressed by Dr. Harish Tiwari, Principal of PCCoER, Ravet. He spoke on how to generate ideas which will be useful for the society as well as for products. Product should be affordable for all. It should be local etc.

He also interacted with student personally. Students asked queries. He addressed on product design, how to think comfortable designs for the customers and how to solve the problems of the people.

Celebrating Guru Purnima We have conducted training sessions, shown motivated videos and competitions, challenges to ask students to ideate on pressing problems in the School, society, city, state, and country and provided the problem statements to the students. Students proposed their own ideas.

We have conduced a class-wise chart-making competition. Students of the class divided in groups as per their same ideas. They have written description, unique features of their model and drawn the rough sketch of the models. We have selected best ideas from the classes. Teachers have given training to the students for project writing.

Students visited PCCoER to understand the overview of the start-up ecosystems in India, where students can think out of the box and ideate for solutions. Maximum students are encouraged to participate in idea submission. They submitted their ideas and propose a solution for any kind of issue broadly on the problems they faced and observed in their surroundings. Student count details are provided under. We are also attaching a video link and photos for your reference.

1. No of Male Student Participants: 792
2. No of Female Student Participants: 624
3. No of Male Faculty Participants: 01
4. No of Female Faculty Participants: 04

Video Link:

The School Innovation Council, Session 2:
The Innovation and Ideation Challenge

Pune, Maharashtra | 25th July, 2024

Celebrating Guru Purnima

We reviewed activity of all students. Our intent is to assess student to generate ideas and to motivate, skill, train, and handhold and nurture the Innovations.

To enhance the creative thinking, design thinking of the students we sent a google form for grade VII to X. Students from Grades VI to X generated ideas and pasted on the chart paper. We received less response through Google Form so that for 6th-10th grade we have generated ideas in the classroom on chart paper.

Students were very excited to share their ideas for different topics wherein they faced problems or observed problems of the society. They thought on different technologies, smart ideas to develop their models. Even some students have been written short description how their model will be? Some students represented their ideas in the form of sketches. Student count details are provided under. We are also attaching a video link and photos for your reference.

1. No. of Male Student Participants: 792
2. No. of Female Student Participants: 624
3. No. of Male Faculty Participants: 01
4. No. of Female Faculty Participants: 04

Video Link:

The School Innovation Council, Session 1:
Leadership Talk/ Motivational Session

Pune, Maharashtra | 18th July, 2024

Celebrating Guru Purnima We reviewed the activities of all students with the goal of assessing their ability to generate ideas, motivate themselves, develop skills, receive training, and nurture innovations. To inspire them, we showed a motivational video featuring Dr. P.V.M. Rao, a professor at IIT Delhi.

Celebrating Guru Purnima Dr. Rao began the session by presenting three examples of students who created socially affordable and innovative products to address real-world problems. He detailed their invention processes and how they observed the issues they aimed to solve.

During his talk, Dr. Rao covered important steps required for product innovation, including how students can obtain funding to develop their projects. After watching the video, students had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify their doubts with their teacher. They took notes on idea generation and discussed several key points with their peers and teachers, including

1. Identifying and defining the problem.
2. Finding potential solutions.
3. Testing product ideas for the target audience.
4. Creating a prototype model.
5. Developing a working model.
6. Bringing the product to market.

Three students from the 8th grade shared their thoughts and explained their understanding of the concepts discussed. Student count details are provided under. We are also attaching a video link and photos for your reference.

1. No. of Male Student Participants: 22
2. No. of Female Student Participants: 23
3. No. of Male Faculty Participants: 01
4. No. of Female Faculty Participants: 04

Video Link: