SBPPS Color Strip
CBSE Affiliated (Affiliation Number: 1130 534) | NABET Accredited (Accreditation Number: WS 2428 071) |QS I-GAUGE Diamond Rated
A journey towards excellence.

Student Council

In order to encourage students’ participation in all the processes of school, a Students’ Council has been constituted in the school. Students from Grade VIII to XII are nominated in a democratic way by the students themselves, the teachers, and the principal.

The Student Council includes members from all the four houses. The roles include those of the head boy and girl, house captains, and the in-charges of home affairs, sports and culture, environmental affairs, I&B, etc. - all of which comprise of 26 student leaders.

They have to maintain discipline, communicate information from students to teachers and vice versa, and assist in and organise co-curricular activities at the student level They aid in the smooth functioning of the school by helping the teachers and management to delegate work and responsibility. They are also part of various committees and clubs formed in the school, and participate in Student Leadership Camps/ Programmes.

In addition to this, student leaders are chosen from Grades IV and V for overseeing the Foundational and Preparatory Levels.

Student Council
Student Council


Following are the activities and events members of the Student Council participated in the Academic Year of 2023-24:

S. No.



Student Council Members Involved


Evidence (If Any)


Daily Floor Duties


All Council Members

Students are charged with maintaining discipline during dispersal time, during movement in the halls and corridors, in mass assemblies, etc.



Assisting in Evacuation, Reverse and Fire Drills

11 th and 14 th September, 2023; 23rd October, 2023; 5th February, 2024

All Senior Council Members

Alongside teachers, they help all students, especially the students of lower classes to evacuate and reach the safety areas.



Annual Day

December 10 th to 12th, 2023

All Council Members

writing the script for Annual concert and even anchored the programme.

Description:  Three-day Annual Programme


Session on reverse drill, fire drills, etc.

6 th October, 2023

Arohi Bahendwar and Vidhi

They performed a skit to show what precautions can be taken to ensure fire safety.

Description: A group of children sitting on a stage

Description: A person in a blue dress


School Safety Committee Meeting

6 th October, 2023

Grade V and X Council Members

Students especially brought new insight and perspective to situations and solutions. They lent a student perspective, and did not shy from giving their valuable suggestions.

Description: School Safety Committee Meeting

Description: School Safety Committee Meeting


Cleanliness Drive

1 st October, 2023

Grade V Council Members

Description: Inculcating the Passion for Reading

Description: Inculcating the Passion for Reading


Student Leadership Conference

8 th to 10 th September, 2023

Grade X Council Members

Council Members participated in the 7 th Student Leadership Conference which was conducted the theme of “Me to We”

They all had a lot to take away: skills, values, friends, memories.

Every activity that was conducted instilled a skill inside the students that enabled them be good leaders.

Description: student-leadership-conference



Teacher’s Day

5 th September, 2023

Grade X Council Members

Conducted a quiz for teachers on topics such as GK, NEP, etc.

Grade V Student Council Members conducted a special assembly They performed dance, song and speeches. Also they also took on teacher’s roles and acted as the class/ subject teacher for the day.

Description: A group of children in white shirts Description:A group of children in white shirts

Description: A group of children in white shirts Description: A group of children in white coats standing in front of a projector screen


Session on teaching moral values like discipline, obeying rules and regulations of school and how to maintain decorum of the school.

18 th August 2023

Atharva Bhise and Darshil Mali

Session on teaching moral values like discipline, obeying rules and regulations of school and how to maintain decorum of the school.

Description:Session on teaching moral values


Independence Day 2023

15 th August, 2023

All Council Members

They undertook the initiative to conduct the Independence Day programme.

They distributed work amongst themselves and with the guidance of in charge teachers, they wrote a script for the celebration, and maintained complete discipline on the playground during the ceremony.

Description:Independence Day 2023


Majhi Mati Mazha Desh Rally

12 th August, 2023

Grade V Council Members

They took the “Panchpran” oath in the school’s auditorium after which they gathered and proceeded with the rally chanting slogans such as: “Maajhi mati, maajha dhesh”, “Total literacy, no poverty”,” Anekta mai ekta; Yehi Bharat ki vishestha”, Mitti ko naman, veeron ka vandan”, etc.

Description: A group of people holding a sign Description: A group of people holding a sign

Description: A group of people holding a sign

Student Council
Student Council